The Cherry Orchard
by Anton Chekov
The New School For Drama - New York, NY
Direction by Aneesha Kuktarkar
Sets by Daniel Allen
Clothes by Herin Kaputkin
Sound by Fredrick Kennedy and AJ Surasky
Associate Lighting Design by Melanie Spiel

Stage Managed by Elizabeth Allen
Assistant Stage Managed by Chiara Johnson
Fight Choreography by Geoffrey Kent
Choreography by Shannon Stowe
Photos by Nathanial Johnson Photography

Emma Rathe as Lyubox Andreevna
Anna Grethel Solis as Anya
Kimberly (Kim) Gomez as Varya
Jacob Presson as Gaev Leonid Andreevich
Booker Vance as Lopakin
Jerome Allen as Trofimiv, Pyotr Sergeevich
Timmy Ong as Simeone-ov-Pishcik
Hayley Henson as Yasha
Brianna Dodson as Charlotta Ivanova
Ariel Diez-Beato as Yepikhodov
Zoe Liu as Dunyasha
Anna-Sophie de Villeroy as Firs


The Thanksgiving Play


I am My Own Wife